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Mamas Teach Your Children Well….

Mamas, teach your children well… If there is one lesson I learned early in my life it was that being myself was more important that being “accepted”. I hear stories of women with friends who tear each other down and I don’t get it, because if my friends were like that they wouldn’t be my … Continue reading

Random Musings

  • That which knocks us down is not a reason to stay down; but a convenient excuse to not get back up.
  • The next time someone assumes something about you that isn't true: Try to breathe. Take a step back. And remember not to assume something about them in return... (Mainly that they're an a$$hole) because it's counterproductive and only damages your own mental health. Remember: Keep Calm and Tread On.

Be Beautiful

Inside and Out * Never Forget to Smile * Always Remember to Laugh * Love with All Your Heart * And People Will Follow * Your Example


Past Musings

Judgement Day

Warrior DashJune 17, 2012
Judgement Day: A day to push past my limits, cavort in the mud, and celebrate with a beer!